About Us


Ron Cropper sold automobiles in the central Utah area for over thirty years. Many people were helped along the way, creating many lasting friendships. While searching for a possible career change, one that would in his own words,allow him to give back to the community that had served him so well for over thirty years, Ron dabbled in other forms of Insurance. finding his niche with the medicare insurance world.

Medicare supplemental insurance fulfilled his requirement of something that allows Ron to make a huge difference in the lives of those he serves. The ever changing world of medicare supplemental insurance stimulates his thirst for knowledge and the search for that ever elusive perfect policy for all of his clients. Rons extensive knowledge of the people and area he served while selling automobiles for over fifty years, aides him in the search for the perfect fit for each and every client he will serve in the medicare supplemental insurance field. 

Ron and his wife Brenda are the proud parents of four wonderful children and grandparents to eight amazing grandkids. Team roping, coaching high school baseball and chasing his grandkids are but a few of his passions in life. Living in this amazing section of the great state of Utah for so long allows Ron a great perspective and even greater love for all he serves.