Medicare Health Plans

Medicare provides health insurance to people aged 65 and over, as well as those under 65 who meet certain criteria.

Medicare Plans in Utah

  • About 424,947 residents of Utah are enrolled in Medicare.
  • On average, the Medicare Advantage monthly premium decreased in Utah compared to last year — from $19.33 in 2021 to $17.71 in 2022.
  • Compared to 41 plans in 2021, 54 Medicare Advantage plans are available in Utah for 2022,
  • Residents in Utah are offered 12 different Medigap plans in 2022
  • All Medicare beneficiaries have access to buy a Medicare Advantage plan, including plans with a $0 premium.




Medicare Premium in 2022


Medicare Plans Available


Medigap Plans Available

Medicare Enrollment Period in Utah

To get the most of your Medicare and avoid enrollment penalties, it is very important to remember when to rightfully sign up for Medicare or apply for a Medicare plan.

There are 3 Enrollment periods you should mark on your calendar:

Initial Medicare Enrollment Period

This enrollment period starts 3 months before turning 65 and ends 3 months after you turn 65. Most beneficiaries get Medicare Part A -Hospital Insurance and Part B -Medical Insurance in the initial Medicare enrollment period. You’ll need to sign up for Medicare online or contact Social Security if you’re not yet collecting Social Security benefits before your initial enrollment period.

If you want to avoid late enrollment penalties, Completing your medicare application throughout the initial period is a must. The longer you wait to enroll, the penalty goes up, and it will be added to your monthly Part B premium. 

General Medicare Enrollment Period

 You can sign up during Medicare’s General Enrollment Period (January 1–March 31). If you fail your Initial Enrollment Period, Your coverage will start July 1. It’s essential to take advantage of this period to get the most out of your Medicare.

General Enrollment Period for Part B 

If you already have Part A, you can still enroll for Part B. All you have to do is complete the application form. Then bring in person or mail your accomplished application form to the Social Security office.

The only allowed circumstance to avoid late enrollment penalty is if you are still ACTIVELY working at past 65 and still enrolled with your employer-sponsored coverage or if your coverage is under your Spouse employer group plan.

Upon retirement, the Special Enrollment Period can enroll in Part B. You don’t need to wait for the General Enrollment Period to sign up.

General Enrollment Period for Part D

When you enroll in either Part A or B during the General Enrollment Period, you’ll also be given a related Part D Special Enrollment Period to pick your Part D prescription drug coverage. Enrolling in a Medicare drug plan is allowed from April through June, and your plan will take effect on July 1. It is important to note that all other Medicare parts you signed up for during the Medicare General Enrollment Period will also begin on July 1.

There is also a late enrollment penalty in Part D late enrollment penalty. Suppose you missed out when you first became eligible. The late enrollment penalty shall be calculated by the months you have delayed enrollment. 

General Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage

The Medicare Advantage plan’s enrollment period is the same as a Part D or when you get to enroll with Medicare.

Special Enrollment Period

You may still have the opportunity to sign up for Medicare during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) even when your Initial Enrollment Period ends. You can enroll for Part A and or Part B during a SEP if you have special circumstances.

Getting into Medicare is made easy if a licensed representative is there to help you through. Contact a representative to know more about all the information you need to know about Medicare.

Medicare Changes 2022

Some overall changes are happening on Medicare for this year that members and enrollees must consider. Deductibles, premiums deductibles, premiums, and coinsurances are changing in 2022, so it’s better to take a look at each closely.

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Part A - Medicare Hospital Insurance

Most beneficiaries don’t pay premiums for Medicare part A. For some who do, they may expect higher costs this year. Take a look at the chart. 

Part B- Medicare Medical Insurance

All Medicare Beneficiaries pay Part B premium. There is an increase from 148.50 in 2021 to $170.10 in 2022. Premiums paid to depend on income. For example, those people who submit taxes individually with a modified adjusted gross income of more than $91,000.

Part D- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

In 2022, on average, Medicare Part D will be $33 per month, compared to $31.47 in 2021. For Example, those than $91,000 (or those who file joint tax returns with a modified adjusted gross income of more than $182,000), on top of their Part D premium, are going to pay an additional $12.40 to $77.90 per month. Those with higher incomes will pay more.

Ratings for Medicare Advantage Plan are higher.

In 2022, the Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans rating has an average star rating of 4.37 versus 4.06 in 2021. According to the CMS, 68% of Medicare Advantage plans that include prescription drug coverage received an overall rating of 4 stars or higher for 2022, versus 49% in 2021,

Medicare Advantage Plans

Part C- Medicare Advantage Plans

In 2022, the average premium for Medicare Advantage plans will be $19 per month, compared to $21.22 in 2021.

There is a projection that more people will enroll in Medicare Advantage, with an estimated 29.5 million people who will sign up in 2022 versus 26.9 million in 2021.

In 2022, there will be 3,834 Medicare Advantage plans available. An increase of 8% from 2021. 59% are health maintenance organizations or HMO plans, and 37% are preferred provider organizations or PPO.

Are you considering changing Plans this year? Check this out.

The Changes you make during Medicare open enrollment will take effect on January 1. During the open enrollment period from October 15 to December 7, members can switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage or vice versa. They can also change from one Medicare Advantage plan to another one.

There’s a Medicare Advantage open enrollment period from January 1 to March 31 for those who have erred on their plan of choice after the enrollment period ends. You can do the following during this time:

  • Change Medicare Advantage plans.
  • Go back to an Original Medicare plan, choosing to have a Part D prescription drug plan.

During Medicare Advantage open enrollment, you can’t transition to a Medicare Advantage plan if you’re enrolled in Original Medicare. In the case of returning to Original Medicare, there is a possibility that you might not be able to buy a Medigap policy. Coverage will begin on the first day of the month after your request to switch plans.

How to Apply for Medicare in Utah

Exploring Medicare options in Utah can put in a lot of work. Working with a licensed representative is the most time and cost-efficient way to explore options in Medicare. It can be made simple by speaking with an agent today!